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Name Type Description Download
SwapLightsDefinition Ruby measure This measure will swap out one lights definition for another. All objects that had referred to the original definition will now refer to the new one.
Repo: NREL/openstudio-common-measures-gem
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SetEnergyPlusLightObjectsLPD Ruby measure Set the LPD for all lights objects in the model. Input values are in SI units.
Repo: NREL/openstudio-common-measures-gem
download SetEnergyPlusLightObjectsLPD
Set Lighting Loads by LPD Ruby measure Set the lighting power density (W/ft^2) in the to a specified value for all spaces that have lights. This can be applied to the entire building or a specific space type. Cost can be added per floor area
Repo: NREL/openstudio-common-measures-gem
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Add Exterior Lights Ruby measure Add exterior lighting to the building. This may be in addition to or in place of existing exterior lighting. This lighting will run from sunset to sunrise. Optionally you can add costs to the lights.
Repo: NREL/openstudio-common-measures-gem
download Add Exterior Lights
Reduce Lighting Loads by Percentage Ruby measure The lighting system in this building uses more power per area than is required with the latest lighting technologies. Replace the lighting system with a newer, more efficient lighting technology. Newer technologies provide the same amount of light but use less energy in the process.
Repo: NREL/openstudio-ee-gem
download Reduce Lighting Loads by Percentage
AedgK12ExteriorLighting Ruby measure This measure will create exterior lights objects in four different categories described below. The lighting levels and controls will be based on the "How to Implement Recommendations" section in the AEDG; any existing exterior lighting will be removed. A special input is needed for this measure...
Repo: NREL/openstudio-aedg-gem
download AedgK12ExteriorLighting
ZEDG K12 Interior Lighting Ruby measure This measure removes all existing electric equipment objects from spaces recognized as primary or secondary school space types, with the exception of the kitchen which has a dedicated measure that should be used. New equipment will be added based on the Net Zero K12 recommendations.
Repo: NREL/openstudio-aedg-gem
download ZEDG K12 Interior Lighting
AedgSmallToMediumOfficeExteriorLighting Ruby measure This measure will create exterior lights objects in four different categories described below. The lighting levels and controls will be based on the "How to Implement Recommendations" section in the AEDG; any existing exterior lighting will be removed. A special input is needed for this measure...
Repo: NREL/openstudio-aedg-gem
download AedgSmallToMediumOfficeExteriorLighting
AedgSmallToMediumOfficeInteriorLighting Ruby measure This measure removes all existing lighting objects from spaces recognized as primary or secondary school space types. New lighting will be added based on the 50% Small to Medium Office AEDG recommendations.
Repo: NREL/openstudio-aedg-gem
download AedgSmallToMediumOfficeInteriorLighting
AedgK12InteriorLighting Ruby measure This measure removes all existing electric equipment objects from spaces recognized as primary or secondary school space types, with the exception of the kitchen which has a dedicated measure that should be used. New equipment will be added based on the 50% K12 AEDG recommendations.
Repo: NREL/openstudio-aedg-gem
download AedgK12InteriorLighting