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SetEnergyPlusMinimumOutdoorAirFlowRate Ruby measure Set the Minimum Outdoor Air FLow Rate for all Controller:OutdoorAir objects in the model. Input values are in SI units.
Repo: NREL/openstudio-common-measures-gem
download SetEnergyPlusMinimumOutdoorAirFlowRate
Add Zone Ventilation Design Flow Rate Object Ruby measure This will allow you to add a ZoneVentilation:DesignFlowRate object into your model in a specified zone. The ventilation type is exposed as an argument but the design flow rate calculation method is set to design flow rate. A number of other object inputs are exposed as arguments
Repo: NREL/openstudio-common-measures-gem
download Add Zone Ventilation Design Flow Rate Object
Fan Assist Night Ventilation Ruby measure This measure is meant to roughly model the impact of fan assisted night ventilation. The user needs to have a ventilation schedule in the model, operable windows where natural ventilation is desired, and air walls or interior operable windows in walls and floors to define the path of air through...
Repo: NREL/openstudio-ee-gem
download Fan Assist Night Ventilation
Enable Demand Controlled Ventilation Ruby measure The facility currently does not have a demand controlled ventilation system or CO2 sensors in the air delivery system. Outside air is introduced and conditioned at a fixed rate based on the maximum design. Since the building occupancy fluctuates and is often less than the maximum design...
Repo: NREL/openstudio-ee-gem
download Enable Demand Controlled Ventilation
Enable Economizer Control Ruby measure There is currently not a functioning air side economizer enabled in the building. Air side economizers use cold outside air to either assist the mechanical cooling system, or if the air is cold enough, provide all of the cooling for a facility. In order for an air side economizer to...
Repo: NREL/openstudio-ee-gem
download Enable Economizer Control
ReduceVentilationByPercentage Ruby measure This measure will reduce space ventilation rates by the requested percentage. A cost per square foot of building area can be added to the model.
Repo: NREL/openstudio-ee-gem
download ReduceVentilationByPercentage