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Results 1 to 19 out of 19
Name | Type | Description | Download |
AddSolarPVT | Ruby measure | This measure will add solar PhotoVoltaicThermal object to the system. PVT system can be add to airloop outdoor air system or plant loop Repo: meftaH416/Openstudio_Measures_meftah |
download AddSolarPVT |
Add Simple PV to Specified Shading Surfaces | Ruby measure | This measure will add Simple PV objects to site, building or space/zone shading surfaces. This will not create any new geometry, but will just make PV objects out of existing shading geometry. Optionally a cost can be added for the PV. Repo: NREL/openstudio-common-measures-gem |
download Add Simple PV to Specified Shading Surfaces |
Add Rooftop PV | Ruby measure | This measure will create new shading surface geometry above the roof for each thermal zone inyour model where the surface azmith falls within the user specified range. Arguments are exposed for panel efficiency, inverter efficiency, and the fraction of each roof surface that has PV. Repo: NREL/openstudio-common-measures-gem |
download Add Rooftop PV |