Remove HVAC Systems

Measure Details

Display NameRemove Hvac Systems
Language Ruby
Tags HVAC.Whole System
DescriptionThis measure removes HVAC systems from an OpenStudio model.
Modeler's DescriptionThe user can optionally selected to remove air loops, plant loops, zone hvac, vrf systems, and curves from the model. By default all systems except water systems and zone exhaust fans are removed.
Measure TypeModelMeasure
Intended Software ToolApply Measure Now
Intended Software ToolOpenStudio Application
Intended Software ToolParametric Analysis Tool
OpenStudio Version1.14.0
Minimum Compatible OpenStudio Version1.14.0
GitHub RepoBuildingPerformanceSimulation/openstudio-measures


Version ID GitHub Release Tag OpenStudio Version Min Compatible Version Max Compatible Version Download Link
7c4c819f-6206-4172-a649-53d7c9e7e56c v2.3.5 1.14.0 1.14.0 Download v2.3.5
7c4c819f-6206-4172-a649-53d7c9e7e56c v2.3.4 1.14.0 1.14.0 Download v2.3.4
7c4c819f-6206-4172-a649-53d7c9e7e56c v2.3.3 1.14.0 1.14.0 Download v2.3.3
7c4c819f-6206-4172-a649-53d7c9e7e56c v2.3.2 1.14.0 1.14.0 Download v2.3.2
7c4c819f-6206-4172-a649-53d7c9e7e56c v2.2 1.14.0 1.14.0 Download v2.2
7c4c819f-6206-4172-a649-53d7c9e7e56c v2.1 1.14.0 1.14.0 Download v2.1
7c4c819f-6206-4172-a649-53d7c9e7e56c v1.0 1.14.0 1.14.0 Download v1.0