
Measure Details

Display NameShiftscheduleprofiletime
Language Ruby
Tags Whole Building.Whole Building Schedules
DescriptionShift a single or all schedules in the building by the specified number of hours
Modeler's DescriptionThis measure provides an easy way to shirt the building operations by a set time, but does not alter the length of the day. It only works with RulesetSchedules. It will allter summer and winter design days in addition to other profiles that are part of the schedules.
Measure TypeModelMeasure
Measure FunctionMeasure
Requires EnergyPlus Resultsfalse
Uses SketchUp APIfalse
OpenStudio Version2.0.0
Minimum Compatible OpenStudio Version2.0.0
GitHub RepoNREL/openstudio-common-measures-gem


Version ID GitHub Release Tag OpenStudio Version Min Compatible Version Max Compatible Version Download Link
b8e9677e-d5d5-4583-b552-95e53bf655ff v0.10.0 2.0.0 2.0.0 Download v0.10.0
92c84435-26f6-4f6f-a853-98101f16967e v0.9.0 2.0.0 2.0.0 Download v0.9.0
92c84435-26f6-4f6f-a853-98101f16967e v0.8.0 2.0.0 2.0.0 Download v0.8.0
92c84435-26f6-4f6f-a853-98101f16967e v0.7.0 2.0.0 2.0.0 Download v0.7.0
4f449856-9a3b-4ad0-a5a1-efea0b95396a v0.9.0 2.0.0 2.0.0 Download v0.9.0
4f449856-9a3b-4ad0-a5a1-efea0b95396a v0.8.0 2.0.0 2.0.0 Download v0.8.0
c464c0a3-8db6-4c4f-a77d-1da1c003fcec v0.6.1 2.0.0 2.0.0 Download v0.6.1
c464c0a3-8db6-4c4f-a77d-1da1c003fcec v0.6.0 2.0.0 2.0.0 Download v0.6.0
7482b65c-0478-49b3-9b54-eb3a627bc2ab v0.5.0 2.0.0 2.0.0 Download v0.5.0
5404621c-fd40-40c5-9151-84cc29061110 v0.1 2.0.0 2.0.0 Download v0.1