Cooling Coils DX Two Speed Percent Change

Measure Details

Display NameCooling Coils Dx Two Speed Percent Change
Language Ruby
Tags HVAC.Cooling
DescriptionThis is a general purpose measure to calibrate DX Cooling Coils with a Percent Change.
Modeler's DescriptionIt will be used for calibration of rated capacity and efficiency and parasitic loads. User can choose between a Two coil or ALL the Coils.
Measure TypeModelMeasure
OpenStudio Version2.1.0
Minimum Compatible OpenStudio Version2.1.0
GitHub RepoNREL/openstudio-calibration-gem


Version ID GitHub Release Tag OpenStudio Version Min Compatible Version Max Compatible Version Download Link
56fae4f6-c6a0-422b-a36b-68cd8a50439b v0.10.0 2.1.0 2.1.0 Download v0.10.0
16195c55-1961-439c-a419-6f584938015a v0.9.0 2.1.0 2.1.0 Download v0.9.0
16195c55-1961-439c-a419-6f584938015a v0.8.0 2.1.0 2.1.0 Download v0.8.0
a5002f54-2857-42b9-a195-c71c596d397a v0.6.0 2.1.0 2.1.0 Download v0.6.0
a5002f54-2857-42b9-a195-c71c596d397a v0.5.1 2.1.0 2.1.0 Download v0.5.1
a5002f54-2857-42b9-a195-c71c596d397a v0.5.0 2.1.0 2.1.0 Download v0.5.0