Roof Thermal Properties Multiplier

Measure Details

Display NameRoof Thermal Properties Multiplier
Language Ruby
Tags Envelope.Opaque
DescriptionChange Roof by altering the thermal resistance, density, and solar absorptance of the wall constructions by a Multiplier
Modeler's DescriptionChange Roof by altering the thermal resistance, density, and solar absorptance of the wall constructions by a Multiplier
Measure FunctionMeasure
Requires EnergyPlus Resultsfalse
Measure TypeModelMeasure
Uses SketchUp APIfalse
OpenStudio Version0.11.5
Minimum Compatible OpenStudio Version0.11.5
GitHub RepoNREL/openstudio-calibration-gem


Version ID GitHub Release Tag OpenStudio Version Min Compatible Version Max Compatible Version Download Link
1087cde3-4f8c-48fb-b877-556c37bfca77 v0.10.0 0.11.5 0.11.5 Download v0.10.0
2bb4add5-d936-4469-8a46-d458142e98dd v0.9.0 0.11.5 0.11.5 Download v0.9.0
2bb4add5-d936-4469-8a46-d458142e98dd v0.8.0 0.11.5 0.11.5 Download v0.8.0
5fbeb5c9-bf38-4798-876e-ec5f23962ef0 v0.6.0 0.11.5 0.11.5 Download v0.6.0
5fbeb5c9-bf38-4798-876e-ec5f23962ef0 v0.5.1 0.11.5 0.11.5 Download v0.5.1
9bd50108-91e3-43b5-a78e-8ccc0217b3af v0.5.0 0.11.5 0.11.5 Download v0.5.0