Name | Glhe_pro_export_loadsfor_ground_heat_exchanger_sizing |
Display Name | Glheproexportloadsforgroundheatexchangersizing |
uuid | 7bb0ce67-cffb-4ef6-b7fb-093c7c43e263 |
Type | Measure |
Language | Ruby |
Tags | Reporting.QAQC |
Description | Exports a .gt1 file that can be imported into GLHEPro as part of determining the size of a vertical ground heat exchanger borefield. This file contains the monthly heating and cooling energy and peak heating and cooling rate for district heating and cooling plants in the model. These numbers represent the heat added or removed from the water loop by heat pumps during the course of a year. |
Modeler's Description | The model should be set up so that both the heating and cooling coils for the zone-level water source heat pumps are connected to the demand side of the plant loop, and that the supply side of the plant loop contains a district heating and district cooling object. The .gt1 file that is exported will be named after the plant loop. |
Measure Type | ReportingMeasure |
Uses SketchUp API | false |
OpenStudio Version | 2.0.0 |
Minimum Compatible OpenStudio Version | 3.7.0 |
README File | |
GitHub Repo | NREL/openstudio-ee-gem |