Space Type and Construction Set Wizard

Measure Details

Display NameSpace Type And Construction Set Wizard
Language Ruby
Tags Whole Building.Space Types
DescriptionCreate DOE space types and or construction sets for the requested building type, climate zone, and target.
Modeler's DescriptionThe data for this measure comes from the openstudio-standards Ruby Gem. They are no longer created from the same JSON file that was used to make the OpenStudio templates. Optionally this will also set the building default space type and construction set.
Measure TypeModelMeasure
Uses SketchUp APIfalse
OpenStudio Version2.0.0
Minimum Compatible OpenStudio Version3.8.0
GitHub RepoNREL/openstudio-model-articulation-gem


Version ID GitHub Release Tag OpenStudio Version Min Compatible Version Max Compatible Version Download Link
0cefd43c-95fd-49ff-8d9d-5794f8918316 v0.10.0 2.0.0 3.8.0 Download v0.10.0
cf00abc6-bd33-4da9-adea-e5e0a2b6bfeb v0.9.0 2.0.0 3.0.0 Download v0.9.0
cf00abc6-bd33-4da9-adea-e5e0a2b6bfeb v0.8.0 2.0.0 3.0.0 Download v0.8.0
c10f0999-8ad9-46fa-8caa-953db92a07e6 v0.6.1 2.0.0 3.0.0 Download v0.6.1
c10f0999-8ad9-46fa-8caa-953db92a07e6 v0.6.0 2.0.0 3.0.0 Download v0.6.0
a0577cf6-a844-4d90-a7c6-2a3f54e65bfd v0.5.0 2.0.0 3.0.0 Download v0.5.0
a0577cf6-a844-4d90-a7c6-2a3f54e65bfd V0.4.2 2.0.0 3.0.0 Download V0.4.2