Create Typical Building

Measure Details

Display NameCreate Typical Building
Language Ruby
Tags Whole Building.Space Types
DescriptionThe "Create Typical Building" OpenStudio measures empowers users to effortlessly generate OpenStudio and EnergyPlus models by making a few select choices. Users can input preferences such as the building energy code year (e.g., ASHRAE 90.1-2013), climate zone, and desired heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. Detailed documentation can be found at
Modeler's DescriptionThis OpenStudio Measure analyzes and generates a standard building model using either the current geometry or a pre-established geometry file. It considers the selected building energy standard, the HVAC system, and the specific climate zone to create a standardized building model within OpenStudio. Please note that choosing any option other than "Existing Geometry" will replace the current OSM file. Selecting "JSON-specified" under "HVAC Type" allows users to map HVAC Systems to specific zones in the OSM model. An example file can be found at under this measure's tests at .\tests\source\hvac_mapping_path\hvac_zone_mapping.json
Measure TypeModelMeasure
Measure LanguageRuby
Intended Software ToolApply Measure Now
Intended Software ToolOpenStudio Application
OpenStudio Version3.7.0
Minimum Compatible OpenStudio Version3.7.0
GitHub Repopnnl/openstudio-building-energy-standard-measures-gem


Version ID GitHub Release Tag OpenStudio Version Min Compatible Version Max Compatible Version Download Link
57ae1469-01ed-4d84-9d70-86ae11df35e0 v0.2.0 3.7.0 3.7.0 Download v0.2.0