Search Results
Results 1 to 25 out of 63
Name | Type | Description | Download |
ModifyEnergyPlusFanVariableVolumeObjects | Ruby measure | Set the Maximum Flow Rate and and Pressure Rise values for all Fan:VariableVolume objects in the model. Input values are in SI units. Repo: NREL/openstudio-common-measures-gem |
download ModifyEnergyPlusFanVariableVolumeObjects |
Add Zone Mixing Object | Ruby measure | This adds a zone mixing object with a few inputs exposed, including source zone. You can add multiple copies of this to the workflow as needed. Repo: NREL/openstudio-common-measures-gem |
download Add Zone Mixing Object |
Air Wall Zone Mixing | Ruby measure | This measure replaces conductive heat transfer with zone mixing wherever air walls are used on matched surfaces or sub-surfaces for walls. A user argument is exposed for a coefficient that represents a target air changes per hour (ACH) for a room where the zone volume/the air wall surface area... Repo: NREL/openstudio-common-measures-gem |
download Air Wall Zone Mixing |
Improve Fan Belt Efficiency | Ruby measure | The assessment team observed opportunities for fan belt improvements on HVAC fan drives. These motors are asynchronous induction motors.
Improvements in belt efficiency result in energy savings at the motor. The three common belt efficiency measures are belt tightening (1%-5% savings... Repo: NREL/openstudio-ee-gem |
download Improve Fan Belt Efficiency |
Improve Motor Efficiency in Selected Fans and Pumps | Ruby measure | The assessment team observed opportunities for motor efficiency improvements on HVAC systems. These motors are asynchronous induction motors.
There are currently motors on the market that are far superior to standard efficiency motors. These come in both premium efficiency and ultra-efficiency... Repo: NREL/openstudio-ee-gem |
download Improve Motor Efficiency in Selected Fans and Pumps |
Assign Zones to Air Loop from CSV | Ruby measure | This measure adds thermal zones and air terminals to an air loop from a user-defined .csv file. Repo: BuildingPerformanceSimulation/openstudio-measures |
download Assign Zones to Air Loop from CSV |
ChangeTheRoomType | Ruby measure | Take stratification into account Repo: BuildingPerformanceSimulation/openstudio-measures |
download ChangeTheRoomType |