Search Results

Keyword: *skylight*

Results 1 to 17 out of 17

Name Type Description Download
Replace Exterior Window Constructions with a Different Construction from the Model. Ruby measure Replace existing windows with different windows to change thermal or lighting performance. Window technology has improved drastically over the years, and double or triple-pane high performance windows currently on the market can cut down on envelope loads greatly. Window frames with thermal...
Repo: NREL/openstudio-common-measures-gem
download Replace Exterior Window Constructions with a Different Construction from the Model.
AEDG K12 - Fenestration and Daylighting Controls Ruby measure This measure will remove all existing exterior windows, glass doors, and skylights from your model. They will be replaced with view and daylight windows as recommended by the K12 AEDG recommendations. Windows on the south facade will have a exterior shading or light shelf surfaces depending on...
Repo: NREL/openstudio-aedg-gem
download AEDG K12 - Fenestration and Daylighting Controls
AedgSmallToMediumOfficeFenestrationAndDaylightingControls Ruby measure This measure will remove all existing exterior windows, glass doors, and skylights from your model. They will be replaced with view and daylight windows as recommended by the Small to Medium Office AEDG recommendations. Windows on the south facade will have a exterior shading or light shelf...
Repo: NREL/openstudio-aedg-gem
download AedgSmallToMediumOfficeFenestrationAndDaylightingControls
ZEDG K12 - Fenestration and Daylighting Controls Ruby measure This measure will remove all existing exterior windows, glass doors, and skylights from your model. They will be replaced with view and daylight windows as recommended by the Net Zero K12 recommendations. Windows on the south facade will have a exterior shading or light shelf surfaces depending...
Repo: NREL/openstudio-aedg-gem
download ZEDG K12 - Fenestration and Daylighting Controls