Search Results
Results 1 to 25 out of 172
Name | Type | Description | Download |
Envelope and Internal Load Breakdown | Ruby measure | Report provides annual and monthly views into heat gains and losses for envelope and internal loads. Repo: BuildingComponentLibrary/legacy-NREL-measures-gem |
download Envelope and Internal Load Breakdown |
OpenStudio Results | Ruby measure | This measure creates high level tables and charts pulling both from model inputs and EnergyPlus results. It has building level information as well as detail on space types, thermal zones, HVAC systems, envelope characteristics, and economics. Click the heading above a chart to view a table of... Repo: BuildingComponentLibrary/legacy-NREL-measures-gem |
download OpenStudio Results |
Ventilation Report | Ruby measure | This measure asks the user to select a thermal zone (or all zones) and generates a Quality Assurance Report relating to ventilation and infiltration model objects. The QA report consists of two sections: 1) A table listing each space and associated (total of space) ventilation and infiltration... Repo: BuildingComponentLibrary/legacy-NREL-measures-gem |
download Ventilation Report |
HVAC Psychrometric Chart | Ruby measure | A psychrometric chart shows the relationship between air temperature and humidity conditions. Repo: BuildingComponentLibrary/legacy-NREL-measures-gem |
download HVAC Psychrometric Chart |
Example Report | Ruby measure | Simple example of modular code to create tables and charts in OpenStudio reporting measures. This is not meant to use as is, it is an example to help with reporting measure development. Repo: BuildingComponentLibrary/legacy-NREL-measures-gem |
download Example Report |
Generic QAQC | Ruby measure | This measure extracts key simulation results and performs basic model QAQC checks. Each category of checks provides a description of the source of the check. In some cases the target standards and tollerances are adjustable. Repo: BuildingComponentLibrary/legacy-NREL-measures-gem |
download Generic QAQC |
ViewData | Ruby measure | Visualize energy simulation data plotted on an OpenStudio model in a web based viewer Repo: BuildingComponentLibrary/legacy-NREL-measures-gem |
download ViewData |
Set Window to Wall Ratio by Facade | Ruby measure | This measure will set the window to wall ratio for exterior surfaces with a specified orientation. If one or more windows exist on an affected wall, they will be removed and replaced with a single ribbon window. Doors will not be removed. If the requested ratio can?t be achieved then the wall... Repo: BuildingComponentLibrary/legacy-NREL-measures-gem |
download Set Window to Wall Ratio by Facade |
Add EMS to Control EV Charging | Ruby measure | This measure implements a control system to curtail an electric vehicle (EV) charging load to better align EV charging with expected energy production from a solar PV system. Repo: BuildingComponentLibrary/legacy-NREL-measures-gem |
download Add EMS to Control EV Charging |
Add_EV_Load | Ruby measure | This measure adds a load associated with charging of electric vehicles (EVs) to a building in URBANopt. EV load profiles were generated in EVI-Pro for specific building types. This measure allows running of customized load profiles for buildings in the Pena Station Next project, and also for... Repo: BuildingComponentLibrary/legacy-NREL-measures-gem |
download Add_EV_Load |
Set Exterior Walls and Floors to Adiabatic | Ruby measure | Set exterior or ground walls, floors, and roofs to Adiabatic and assign a hard construction. Can specify through bool arguments exterior orientation for walls, as well as floors and roofs. Repo: BuildingComponentLibrary/legacy-NREL-measures-gem |
download Set Exterior Walls and Floors to Adiabatic |
GLHEProExportLoadsforGroundHeatExchangerSizing | Ruby measure | Exports a .gt1 file that can be imported into GLHEPro as part of determining the size of a vertical ground heat exchanger borefield. This file contains the monthly heating and cooling energy and peak heating and cooling rate for district heating and cooling plants in the model. These numbers... Repo: BuildingComponentLibrary/legacy-NREL-measures-gem |
download GLHEProExportLoadsforGroundHeatExchangerSizing |
Zone Report | Ruby measure | This measure provides Thermal Zone level HVAC information. Output includes thermal zone equipment descriptions and details, zone sizing information for heating and cooling, and a disaggregation of the contributions of envelope and internal gains to the HVAC loads. Repo: BuildingComponentLibrary/legacy-NREL-measures-gem |
download Zone Report |
Radiance Daylighting Measure | Ruby measure | This measure uses Radiance instead of EnergyPlus for daylighting calculations with OpenStudio. Repo: BuildingComponentLibrary/legacy-NREL-measures-gem |
download Radiance Daylighting Measure |
Merge FloorspaceJs with Model | Ruby measure | This measure will import a FloorspacJS JSON file into an OpenStudio model. This is meant to function in similar way to the merge function in the geometry editor of the OpenStudio Applicaiton. Repo: BuildingComponentLibrary/legacy-NREL-measures-gem |
download Merge FloorspaceJs with Model |
Clone Building From External Model | Ruby measure | This measures clones the building in from an external model in place of the existing building in a model. In addition to changing the feilds in the building object itself, it will bring in meters, building story objects, shading surface groups, thermal zones, and spaces. This includes their... Repo: BuildingComponentLibrary/legacy-NREL-measures-gem |
download Clone Building From External Model |
InjectOsmGeometryIntoAnExternalIdf | Ruby measure | The goal here is to let people bring an IDF into OpenStudio to add or alter geometry. Then to inject only the geometry back into a copy of the source IDF file, which has never been brought into OpenStudio. Repo: BuildingComponentLibrary/legacy-NREL-measures-gem |
download InjectOsmGeometryIntoAnExternalIdf |
SetRunPeriod | Ruby measure | Sets the run period and timestep for simulation Repo: BuildingComponentLibrary/legacy-NREL-measures-gem |
download SetRunPeriod |
ReportModelChanges | Ruby measure | This measure takes the path to an external OSM file. When it runs, it compares that model to the current model and reports differences between the two. Repo: BuildingComponentLibrary/legacy-NREL-measures-gem |
download ReportModelChanges |
ImportEnvelopeAndInternalLoadsFromIdf | Ruby measure | This will replace the building in your current model with the building objects form the selected IDF file. This will include spaces and thermal zones, and related resources such as constructions, materials, internal loads, and schedules. Repo: BuildingComponentLibrary/legacy-NREL-measures-gem |
download ImportEnvelopeAndInternalLoadsFromIdf |
ChangeBuildingLocation | Ruby measure | Change the building location Repo: BuildingComponentLibrary/legacy-NREL-measures-gem |
download ChangeBuildingLocation |
ViewModel | Ruby measure | Visualize an OpenStudio model in a web based viewer Repo: BuildingComponentLibrary/legacy-NREL-measures-gem |
download ViewModel |
MeterFloodPlot | Ruby measure | This measures generates a flood plot of the requested meter. Repo: BuildingComponentLibrary/legacy-NREL-measures-gem |
download MeterFloodPlot |
ExportScheduleCSV | Ruby measure | This script exports a CSV file containing values for each schedule in the model at a specified interval. Repo: BuildingComponentLibrary/legacy-NREL-measures-gem |
download ExportScheduleCSV |
Unmet Load Hours Troubleshooting | Ruby measure | Unmet load hours are any hours of operation when conditioned spaces are outside the throttling range for heating or cooling controls. That is, they are the hours in a year that the HVAC system serving a space cannot maintain space setpoint. This measure performs a series of checks against... Repo: BuildingComponentLibrary/legacy-NREL-measures-gem |
download Unmet Load Hours Troubleshooting |