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Results 1 to 25 out of 242

Name Type Description Download
General Calibration Measure Percent Change Ruby measure This is a general purpose measure to calibrate space and space type elements with a percent change.
Repo: NREL/openstudio-calibration-gem
download General Calibration Measure Percent Change
Add Monthly JSON Utility Data Ruby measure Add Monthly JSON Utility Data
Repo: NREL/openstudio-calibration-gem
download Add Monthly JSON Utility Data
General Calibration Measure Multiplier Ruby measure This is a general purpose measure to calibrate space and space type elements with a Multiplier.
Repo: NREL/openstudio-calibration-gem
download General Calibration Measure Multiplier
Blended Space Type from Model Ruby measure This measure will remove all space type assignemnts and hard assigned internal loads from spaces that are included in the building floor area. Spaces such as plenums and attics will be left alone. A blended space type will be created from the original internal loads and assigned at the building...
Repo: NREL/openstudio-model-articulation-gem
download Blended Space Type from Model
Create Typical Building from Model Ruby measure Takes a model with space and stub space types, and assigns constructions, schedules, internal loads, hvac, and other loads such as exterior lights and service water heating.
Repo: NREL/openstudio-model-articulation-gem
download Create Typical Building from Model
Shift Hours of Operation Ruby measure This measure will infer the hours of operation for the building and then will shift the start of the hours of operation and change the duration of the hours of operation. In an alternate workflow you can directly pass in target start and duration rather than a shift and delta. Inputs can vary...
Repo: NREL/openstudio-calibration-gem
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Inspect and Edit Parametric Schedules Ruby measure This model will create arguments out of additional property inputs for parametric schedules in the model. You can use this just to inspect, or you can alter the inputs. It will not make parametric inputs for schedules that are not already setup as parametric. If you want to generate parametric...
Repo: NREL/openstudio-calibration-gem
download Inspect and Edit Parametric Schedules
Set Run Period Object Ruby measure Set Run Period Object
Repo: NREL/openstudio-common-measures-gem
download Set Run Period Object
ChangeBuildingLocation Ruby measure Change the building location
Repo: NREL/openstudio-common-measures-gem
download ChangeBuildingLocation
Replace OpenStudio Model Ruby measure
Repo: NREL/openstudio-common-measures-gem
download Replace OpenStudio Model
ShiftScheduleProfileTime Ruby measure Shift a single or all schedules in the building by the specified number of hours
Repo: NREL/openstudio-common-measures-gem
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Get Site from Building Component Library Ruby measure Populate choice list from BCL, then selected site will be brought into model. This will include the weather file, design days, and water main temperatures.
Repo: NREL/openstudio-common-measures-gem
download Get Site from Building Component Library
Set Multiple Run Period Object Ruby measure Set Multiple Run Period Object
Repo: NREL/openstudio-common-measures-gem
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Inject IDF Objects Ruby measure This measure allows you to inject IDF objects into an OSM generated IDF prior to passing the IDF off to EnergyPlus.
Repo: NREL/openstudio-common-measures-gem
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Remove Orphan Objects and Unused Resources Ruby measure This is the start of a measure that will have expanded functionality over time. It will have two distinct functions. One will be to remove orphan objects. This will typically include things that should never have been left alone and often are not visible in the GUI. This would include load...
Repo: NREL/openstudio-common-measures-gem
download Remove Orphan Objects and Unused Resources
RemoveUnusedDefaultProfiles Ruby measure This measure will remove unused default profiles that existed in some older OpenStudio templates. It will remove some EnergyPlus warnings that had appeared in the past.
Repo: NREL/openstudio-common-measures-gem
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RemoveInternalLoadsDirectlyAssignedToSpaces Ruby measure This will removed all internal loads assigned directly to spaces. This can be useful if your model started as an IDF, and now you want to assign space types.
Repo: NREL/openstudio-common-measures-gem
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Shadow Calculation Ruby measure This measure sets the fields of the ShadowCalculation object, which is used to control some details of EnergyPlus’s solar, shadowing, and daylighting models.
Repo: NREL/openstudio-common-measures-gem
download Shadow Calculation
Create DOE Prototype Building Ruby measure Creates the DOE Reference Building Models as starting points for other analyses.
Repo: NREL/openstudio-model-articulation-gem
download Create DOE Prototype Building
Create Typical Building Ruby measure The "Create Typical Building" OpenStudio measures empowers users to effortlessly generate OpenStudio and EnergyPlus models by making a few select choices. Users can input preferences such as the building energy code year (e.g., ASHRAE 90.1-2013), climate zone, and desired heating, ventilation,...
Repo: pnnl/openstudio-building-energy-standard-measures-gem
download Create Typical Building
Create Typical DEER Building from Model Ruby measure Takes a model with space and stub space types, and assigns constructions, schedules, internal loads, hvac, and other loads such as exterior lights and service water heating.
Repo: NREL/openstudio-model-articulation-gem
download Create Typical DEER Building from Model
Merge Spaces from External File Ruby measure The measure lets you merge the contents from spaces in an external file into spaces in your current model. Spaces are identifed by the space name being the same in the two models. If a space is in the current model but not the external model they will be deleted. If a space is in both models the...
Repo: NREL/openstudio-model-articulation-gem
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Create Parametric Schedules Ruby measure Create parametric schedules for internal loads and HVAC availability. Replace existing schedules in model with newly generated schedules. New schedules along with hours of operation schedule will go in a building level schedule set.
Repo: NREL/openstudio-model-articulation-gem
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Create Typical DOE Building from Model Ruby measure Takes a model with space and stub space types, and assigns constructions, schedules, internal loads, hvac, and other loads such as exterior lights and service water heating.
Repo: NREL/openstudio-model-articulation-gem
download Create Typical DOE Building from Model
Space Type and Construction Set Wizard Ruby measure Create DOE space types and or construction sets for the requested building type, climate zone, and target.
Repo: NREL/openstudio-model-articulation-gem
download Space Type and Construction Set Wizard